Image credit: Roland Ventura Toledo



Stephanie Lanckton is a dancer, choreographer, certified Pilates instructor (Physicalmind Institute), certified TRX instructor, certified Chopra Well-Being Coach, Chopra Health/Ayurveda Instructor, and a Chopra Primordial Sound Meditation teacher.

The essence of her work is born from surrendering to the innate capacities of the body and imagination, the unknown, the myriad dualities that exist in the universe, and from within and without. Through this, she is moved to explore the power of imagination, memory, the senses, internal and external energy, and dimensions of time and space as they relate to both sound and the body.

Stephanie writes:

" I am a mortal speck that travels within the time, space, and place of a perpetually changing internal and external landscape. Through the power of dance, imagination, consciousness, and energy I activate the “between space” to inspire engagement with the cosmic, the mystical, and the natural realm. Between space, or ma, in Japanese culture, is an integral part of my performance experience. Ma is invisible yet alive and connects all things together - past, present and future. "

Curriculum Vitae

Vimeo link

timespaceandplace (at)